I also collected some quantitative data from my questionnaire which I have put into charts below:
These two responses are encouraging as the interest for independent, arthouse aesthetics are the largest in popularity. These, for me, are the most important factors in my own trailer. This therefore shows that I have succeeded in catering for my target audience's interests.
These two responses are also very good - my audience was able to decode which genre my film was, some even picking up that it was a combination of both arthouse and thriller.
In terms of editing, I felt as if my use of superimposition made it clear that the protagonist had taken the drug, as it was consistent throughout and made the visuals disconcerting. However, I thought that the strobe was the most striking and was the most obvious portrayal of the drug use. My audience feedback is successful here as my thoughts are reflected in their response.
I also asked my audience to outline the premise of the film in
three bullet points.
I found this answer particularly interesting as this person
mentioned a ‘moral dilemma’, which adds further substance to the narrative. I
am pleased that they picked up on the exploitation point, as this is not make
explicitly clear in the trailer, but is rather hinted at implicitly through
James’s distress as well as the facial expressions and tone of voice from Andy:
Illegal use of drug to acquire information for
financial gain
Young guy putting life at risk to earn money –
moral dilemma
Exploitation by older man
Other answers were very accurate, e.g.
The young man is given a dangerous job by the
older man
He has to take the drug in order to do the job
He might not survive
Another person actually managed to work out elements of the
storyline that are not even mentioned in the trailer:
There was a boy who works for an older man
He needed the boy to test a drug which enhanced
the brain
He wanted to do this to prevent other companies
from using / perfecting it first
These responses show that my trailer was successful in
conveying my storyline, as my audience did not only give correct responses from
the content in the trailer, but actually went as far to infer information about
the later parts of the film that are not even mentioned or shown.